The title "B.L.O.S.S.O.M" (Both Listen To Our Souls and Sharpen Our Minds) summarizes the central theme of this partnership as we strive to address the E.U education target of Early School Leavers. Confronting this goal from the very beginning of the learning process is paramount to success. We aspire to be effective by recognizing each child's individual strengths, learning styles and needs, also appreciating the commitment and motivation of all the stakeholders involved. To succeed, we need to find the key to open the door to lifelong learning. Our stakeholders, pupils, staff, parents, school boards, Education Authorities, businesses and the local and global community, will work together to ensure that we meet our objectives. Pupils will embrace a seamless education system by connecting with secondary schools, communities and businesses and realize that education is related to the outside world and work. By working transnationally, we are able to foster and develop an awareness of global citizenship in the 21st century, and through rich collaborative international learning experiences foster tolerance, inclusion and respect for all.
The school has been involved with the International;project since 1996, and has been allocated funding from The British Council each year.
We have partners in the following countries: